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UNESCO-ov 2. Tjedan

međunarodnoga umjetničkog obrazovanja


20. - 26. svibnja 2013.




The celebration of the UNESCO

2nd International Arts Education Week
20 – 26 May 2013






Škola primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna

Zavičajni muzej Rovinj, 6. - 23. 5. 2013.ŽBA%20ROVINJ






Mutvoranski bestijarij

Galerija Magdalena, Mutvoran, 7. 5. - 20. 8. 2013.ŽBA%20MUTVORANSKI%20BESTIJARIJ










Čarobni svijet fosila 


Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Zagreb,16. 5. - listopad 2013.ŽBA%20ČAROBNI%20SVIJET%20FOSILA







kao inspiracija u nastavi glazbene i likovne umjetnosti

The Phantom of the Opera as an inspiration for Music and Fine Arts classes

Mrežne stranice školeŽBA%20FANTOM%20OPERE



“Fantom Opere” kao inspiracija u nastavi glazbene i likovne umjetnosti /

The Phantom of the Opera as an inspiration for Music and Fine Arts classes


Nastavnici - mentori / teachers - mentors 

Dajana Podolsky Gračanin, prof. glazbene kulture / teacher of music

Mirjana Tomašević Dančević, prof. likovne kulture i pov. umj. / visual arts teacher



Poticaji / stimulation:

-         mjuzikl Andrewa Lloyda Webbera The Phantom of the Opera / Fantom Opere (1986.) 

-         istoimeni film (glazbeni, drama, 2004.), redatelj: Joela Schumacher, scenario: Andrew Lloyd Webber,  Joel Schumacher – adaptacija romana Gastona Lerouxa (1911.) i mjuzikla A. L. Webbera


Riječ voditeljice Projekta:

“The Phantom of the Opera as an Inspiration for the Music and Fine Arts classes:
The project was initiated with the intention to wake the inspiration within pupils when given a particular theme, i.e. a renowned international work, and to give them a particular
artistic freedom of expression under the supervision of their teacher. Also, the pupils will have the possibility of cooperating with professionals outside of their school and regular programme, connect Music with Fine Arts through their correlation, etc..

As the pupils of an Art School they are, in this way, given an opportunity to “sense” their future profession within which some of the pupils from this School will certainly manage to find themselves.”


Dajana Podolsky Gračanin,

Project Author



Maska Fantoma Opere / The Phantom of the Opera mask, glina/clay, 7. – 22. 2. 2013.

Učenici - autori / Authors, 1.a, 15 god./ys:             


Viktor Antolović           

Ivona Antonja

Lucija Balen

Petra Bigor

Branimir Boban

Sonja Bura

Anthea Čolak   

Ana Domljan

Andrej Drožđan-Kranjčec          

Klara Gečević   

Lovro Hubzin

Ana Krstanović             

Matea Kuzmić

Lea Lukić                     

Ana Macukić    

Hana Rodić

Noa Rupčić      

Tin Samaržija

Ivana Stećuk

Ivana Svilković

Denis Svirać

Mariella Škoda

Karla Štefanić 

Ana Vdović



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